If you can't read what it says, here it is. It reads :
Mo² ^..^" 我会成功 !! *Signed Jan*
She wrote that during the 3 days class we attended in Bandar. Aww Jan.. Hahaha. Ty for that. Made me smile before I stepped out my door.
Anyways so I went to the beach NOT alone. I had my ipod with me. So I'm accompanied by Yang Zhong Wei, Cao Ge, Wu Zhong Ming and others. =) I jogged my way while listening to them sing. The first thing I noticed when I step on the beach is that the tide was sooooo low!!! Its like 50m below average! Neways, not my prob. Just jog. Not alot of people was there. By the time I was making my journey back home, there was practically no one on the beach except me so I SANG my way home loudly. HAHA! Sorry little shell-beings. Before entering the tiny forest hole back to my home, I shouted real loud to the sea.
我 会 成 功 ! !
我 会 成 功 ! !
我 会 成 功 ! !
So yeah, I felt really good after that. It's been quite some time I wanted to do that. Another mission accomplished. But I wanna do that with a bunch of my friends together. You hear now people. =D