Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Late Update for 25th - 29th June

Sorry for the late update.. i was just waiting to get the pics and then i'mma post but then.. feel kinda lazy recently.. so yeah.. hahah! =)

Here are some of the pics taken during the class i went to in Bandar =) Enjoy. I got nothing to say about the class. If i were to say how i felt after the class.. it would take years for me to finish. just one word tho.. A-W-E-S-O-M-E.. =D glad that Jan and Hung asked me to go.. Thanks to them.. For all i care, next year i'm so gonna participate in this class too! hahaha.. really people.. its great.. learnt alot of things there. and i did what i never thought i would do. hahhaha =D nothing much to say about the class.. just too much going on.. i'll just pin point some of the parts.. well, i met quite alot of friends.. did things i never thought of being able to do.. heard things from different people's views.. changed my points of view of certain things.. erm.. lastly, best 3 days in my life =D

You wont regret it if you went =)
This is my homework =)

I'll still be here if you need me.

P.S. // SMSA (B), you guys did well. Never stop trying kay? =)

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