Saturday, August 9, 2008


Watched Beijing Olympics 2008 last night. My god, it's awesome!! The coordination was all perfect. Eventhough I slept during the marching, it's still nice. I woke up when the white olympics flag is going around the track. Then continued to watch the whole thing until it ended at like 12++. There's this thing which I remembered, there was an announcement before the march started. The commentator said "Brunei Darussalam is excluded from the olympics this year due to blah blah blah registration." My bro and I was like WoooooooooooW and burst out laughing.

I've been searching the net and this is what I gathered.

"BEIJING -- The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided to exclude Brunei Darussalam from the Beijing Olympic Games because no athlete was registered for competition, according to an IOC statement made here on Friday.

"It is a great shame and very sad for the athletes who lose out because of the decision by their team not to register them," said IOC spokeswoman Emmanuelle Moreau.

Brunei had until midday Friday to register its two athletes — 15-year-old swimmer Maria Grace Koh and shot putter Mohammed Yazid Yatimi Yusof — with the International Olympic Committee, but missed the deadline.

The IOC decision meant 204, instead of the initially believed 205, NOCs were to participate in the opening ceremony parade."

And there's an article on Borneo Bulletin saying that Sultan and Prince Mateen went to Beijing to watch the Olympics. Seriously if you just search Brunei Olympics in google, you'll find all sorts of website saying that they're disappointed from everywhere, Thailand, China, Singapore, UK even. Just because some heads of Brunei Olympic Committee, the Beijing Olympics 2008 failed to score a new record. It was said that 205 nations, that is ALL of the members of IOC (International Olympic Committee), was suppose to join Beijing Olympics and because of Brunei, this record wasn't fulfilled. How great yeah? I'm like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud to be a yellow-ic holder.

Here are some feedbacks from this.

v. Annoyed Aug 8th, 2008 - 22:19:45
That is so disappointing. The athletes involved must be devastated and all the fault is due to the Brunei Olypmic Committee and their incompetence. My heart goes out to the two young athletes. This would have been such an amazing experience for them and they were denied it due to the incapability of some lazy bureaucrats. I hope the people responsible get some kind of retribution for this gross mistake.

shadow Aug 9th, 2008 - 04:01:44
yes very disappointing indeed!what i would like to know is, why the brunei olympic commitee didn't register?i hope too that some heads will fall.

Sport Fan Aug 9th, 2008 - 10:21:35
it is very ashamed that Brunei didn't send any athlete on this world event, Once every 4 year, Brunei at least can send some body and train them who can compete if plan properly..My challenge to Brunei government through ministry of
sport start thinking now. And they must show courage to train brunei athlete to compete at this level..not for medal at least for our pride.

So yeah, as you can see, people are kinda annoyed on this case. At least now we know who were suppose to be participating in the Beijing Olympics in the name of Brunei. Congrats to Maria and Yazid. =)

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