Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shock and Awe

Syok and Ohh

I just realised, shockingly, that it's been days I haven't blog and I promised myself to not let my blog gather dust. So yeah, I'm here, sweeping away the dust from corner to corner. I really have nothing to post about, which is not true. I keep telling myself, my life really that boring meh? Nothing to talk about one. Hahaha! =D So this post is going to be full of random stuffs. You may find this to be boring but heck, since when cleaning is fun? Lol.

In the process of vacuuming my blog.

Feeeeeeeeeeeling abit mixed up. Don't really know how I feel. There's this side where I feel sad, emo and all those shit words you can think of and there's this other side where I feel happy, glad and all those happy words you can think of.

Sad side. I don't know la. Just feel like I'm not that 'happening' towards others. Like people tend to move away from me. Geographical term : Urbanization. I just feel that way lo. Same old sickness happen again.


In the process of sweeping my blog.

Anyways, enough of me. Oh wait, this is my blog, since when it's not about me? =D I seriously need to start organizing my laptop stuffs. Not those organize files kind of things. I need to get a new antivirus program and re-update my songs. Currently my laptop's songs kosong! So yeah. Now I'm listening to songs from my ipod only with external speakers. xP

My progress test is over now so I kinda have spare time but they're already slowly filled with homeworks. Ahh.. ****! I'm now hoping to see how I did. Did I improve on my studies or not. Maths I definately improved. Already gave back and I know my marks. =D Now waiting Physics, GP and Geo. I think for Geography I need to wait at least one more month. My teacher mark papers really bu tim. So slow.

There are a lot of things I need to do. Let's see...
(1) Blog [What I'm doing now]
(2) Watch Dark Knight. Finally OGDC is showing. God. Maybe this Sat I go. =)
(3) GP Diary Work
(4) Geo Theme 2, Theme 3, Theme 4 files.
(5) Tons of Maths homework haven't hand in.

In the process of mopping my blog.

I think I have alot of things to blog about but as time pass, the things gathered and then the rubbish truck came and emptied my things to blog. Apakan? Dunno what am I talking about. Like I said, this post is full of random stuffs.

Waiting for blog to dry. It's probably dry when you read this.

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