I was thinking of getting a new layout for my blog but when I went to the website, most of the layouts are too girly la.. How to use? -_- So nevermind la..
I wanna show you people a chat log between me and Syazwani (my ex-school's mate and now my school mate). Slang la my malay. Everytime I chat with her, my malay accent comes out.
Syaz : bbun (she calls me and Wei Ren that everytime I dunno why)
Me : halo
Syaz : ahaha
Me : ai juling (referring to her dp)
Syaz : ahaha
Syaz : ai jaat ucap tcr... (our ex-geography teacher)
Syaz : wawawa
Me : ai teacher jua kana
Me : sneezing tu her
Syaz : ahaha
Syaz : tcr apa?
Me : mana tau ko
Me : ko yg ucap ia
Me : (A)
Syaz : who do you think?
Syaz : ahaha
Me : siapa lagi our teacher yang 'matanya inda berapa bagus'
Me : =)
Syaz : capa nah??
Me : inda mau ucap namanya~ jaat
Syaz : hmmm
Syaz : ahaha
Syaz : awu eyh jaat ko ne eh
Me : karang berdosa bru ko tau
Syaz : ea yang a..
Me : mana adaaa
Syaz : ada x aaaaaaaa
Me : nadaaaaaaaaa
Me : ko tu yg ucap ia
Me : aku bgi tau ia
Me : jeng jeng jeng
Syaz : ngok
Syaz : ahaha
Syaz : i knock ur head
Syaz and me continues to chat. Not gonna post the rest of the chat log up. Privacy kaliah bulehh~ I actually miss my old school. Surprisingly. Lol. But yeah.. Miss my old seat. Our old classroom (referring to Form 5's classroom only). Hahaha. Last year our class room was actually the English room for our school. But we made it OUR room! From boring English room, became a colourful conference-classroom. Hahaha. Everytime when I'm bored in class, I'll just go to the shelves on the side and pick up one book and read. Till the end of the year, I haven't finish reading the books. Too many already. HahahaEvery Wednesday morning in Perdana, there's this program called USSR. Forgot what does it stand for. Something Something Silent Reading. Nevermind, all you need to know is it's not Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. So this program is where all the students in the school take a book and read thier heads off for 30 mins. Mind you, it happens in the morning so you can imagine how sleepy it is. But I like reading, so it's okay for me. Only from time to time when the book is too boring, I slept. =P Previously, I thought that USSR thing is useless but now I know how important it is already. READING IS FUN! Helped me a lot actually. English A kaliah~ =)
Here are some pics taken by Jan during PS set 2. It's boring without the Pre-U2 around but we managed to do what we could la. One hour only ma. Haha. Jan, Glen and Adib didnt have Business Studies so yeah they joined us in set 2.
I have to give credit to SMSA. The surroundings and landscapes are quite nice, don't you think so? Lol. Ah.. It's nice already. Got enough space. But one thing, it is vulnerable to weather. When it's windy, we'll all be freezing and if its sunny, say hello to sweat from everyone. That's when deodorant come in place. ;) Please la hor, every brown human being needs thier deodorant. So if you're not using any, please do. There might be people around you whispering under thier breath. =D
There's two type of groups in SMSA. 'Chinatown' is at the PS area, where we're sitting in the pics above and there's Kampong Melayu which is at the canteen area. Lucky many people left and the pre-U2s are not around. If not Chinatown will be the typical Chinatown (hot and stuffy).
Quite a number of students got scholarships and some students are even going to JIS (self-paid). Good also la. Less smart people in school. Higher number of scoldings. Lesser students to teach (for the teachers). Most importantly, MORE A level scholarship chances for me!! =D Thank you Thank you~ Thank you very much~ I'll work hard for it. ;)
Wanna know what song is stuck in my head now? This!
It's Ellen Degeneres's song. I watched the show yesterday and it's now stuck in my head. Hahaha. It's kinda cool. ELLEN IS COOL! I love her. =D
Anyways I guess this post is long enough no? So see ya around people!
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