Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Blues!

TODAY is just full of words.

First of all, I slept late last night cause I was doing my GP presentation powerpoint. Then thought I can be able to edit a little more in school today during PS. But guess what? I went to school to find out that we're having general assembly in the hall, which means it's gonna be a long assembly. So heck, we haven't got these kinds of assembly in a long time. So nevermind lo. Went in to the hall, teachers giving speeches and prizes. There's this one thing that I don't like, they have A LOT medals to give out and the people that are called up to stage to take the medals walked SO SLOW!! Omg. Take medal only ma no need so bergaya one. You may think that I'm jealous, but whatever la, you still got scolded in the end. So no biggie =D

Anyways, Mr Cheong, our principal, briefed us on the academic perfomance of Pre-U1's (us). He said that this batch (my batch) is the worst of all SMSA years. For Christ's sake, in Perdana, my year is also the worst batch. There must be some connection here. Ah, who cares.. Teachers are all the same. Thought they know what they're thinking is right. I don't want to say much about them la. Malas. Later Mr Cheong say about putting up negative stuffs of SMSA on the net again.

This morning he said something about us putting up negative infos into the net. For example, a video of a boy who partied and got drunk was posted up in youtube with the title SMSA. So yeah, they're kinda mad at that. But, it's not the boy's fault that that video is posted in youtube. It's not him who requested it. He's a teenager for Christ's sake! Every teenager has the right to party around. I really feel bad for the boy, I know who he is, one of my friend. I'm not gonna point fingers here but it's the title that messed up the whole thing. Why put the school's name in the title? Gosh.

There's another thing that Mr Cheong said, he said that we (the Pre-U1's) are not putting effort into our studies and that we're acting as though we're having our honeymoon year. Well, maybe some of the students are but I'm not! Like Mr Bharat says "One rotten apple spoils the whole bucket." He also said that if anyone of us has not got the potential to try to work hard, please go to the registration office and get a copy of leaving certificate. What a shock to hear it from the principal himself, who has been on leave for long periods of time.

So that was a long lecture, 2 hours. My PS gone. After that, GP class. Presentation. Teacher said we're reading from the script. We have to not read from the papers. Half the class is asleep. Well, my views? Sorry that my other setmates find GP classes to be sooooo boring. Geo.. Sigh Geography.. Geo Geo Geo Geo Geo. Went in class, teacher 10 minutes late, as usual, this is consider not late for her compare to the other times, 55 mins late, etc. So we kena lecture again. Keep on review what the principal said. Like balik balik repeating this morning. Tomoro got Geo progress test. In the afternoon, Physics was the best like every other day.

Like mentioned, Geo progress test tomoro, I have to study! Can't fail this time. Geo's results are the worst in school now. Let's hope I don't go and watch tv like what I did just now. >.<" Since this blog is so wordy.. I'll just put up some random pictures.

Laugh all you want. I'm here for laughters! =D

P.S. // I do not care if what I mentioned is consider as a negative thing about my school. It's my blog. My rights. Got problem? Contact me.

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