Saturday, August 16, 2008

Disappointed Indeed

"Sometimes, the very things that have gotten you where you are, are the very same things that will prevent you from going to the next level."

Quoted from Mr. Bharat, my Physics tutor.

He told us that this morning when he gave back our progress test papers. It took him just two days to finish them. Cool huh? Unlike my other tutors. Pfft~ Anyways, that's what he said cause I think more of the students deproved. Including me. Yeah, I failed again. Not just fail, DEPROVED! Sigh, how sad. I was hoping high for that. Oh well, *smile* there's still room for improvement. I really hope that statement can be nailed into a few people's head! Especially those from ....... (censored due to the amount of beatings Morgan's gonna get if he mentions any names) So to those people, don't get too cocky okay? =D Or I'll DRILL you down. Ehseh.. =)

Today, Ms Joan, GP tutor, gave back our REVISION test papers. Note that it's revision test papers not progress test papers. We did that test like in 7th July and teacher just gave back today. Cool. I didn't do well in that paper though. All teacher said is do more reading.

Ms Joan : Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, *flips through my paper* you need more reading.
Me : Okay, cher.
Ms Joan : And Morgan, you have beautiful handwriting! If I don't see the name, I won't know it's you. *smiles at me*
Me : Err, thanks.

Now I think back at what she said, "If I don't see the name, I won't know it's you.". What does that actually mean? It seems that there's something behind that sentence. Ah well, I have nice handwriting! =)

Ms Tor : I love to mark Morgan's papers because they're always so neat and organised unlike many others of you.
Me : *smiles, sitting at the back of the room*
Ms Tor : But leh, he always don't hand in his homework one.
Me : -_- Sorry, cher.
Class : *Laughs*

Bah! Kena laugh cause of my laziness again. =(

Was supposed to go watch Dark Knight tonight, but then the time of the show is just not right. Romance movie playing at midnight while action movie plays at dinner time? That's just too wrong. Please la OGDC, have to think of others ma. Couples would want to watch romance movie after a romantic dinner ma. Who would want to watch action movie after dinner? Not ngam ba the feel. So yeah, maybe tomorrow then go watch la. If not I just go buy DVD.

P.S. // I'm still waiting for my GP and Geo progess test papers.

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