Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tag! You're it!

Freaking lazy today.. Wanted to sleep the whole day but then my mum woke me up. So early again. Wake me up to ask me where I put the pendrive. Oh kay..........

Just came back from Sweet Lemongrass with my mum, uncle and Max. So full~ =) It's a good way to cut some time. If not I'll be dead bored at home.

Anyways, nothing much to do today, like I said, boring. List of things yet to be done by today.
  1. Finish my GP diary work.
  2. Finish my Maths homework.
  3. Watch Badminton Singles Men Final at 6.30pm
  4. Watch E! News at 7.50pm (Optional)
  5. Watch Code Name : The Cleaner at 10.00pm (I think that's the title)
I got tagged in something and I have to do it right?
Tagged by : Lo Wei Han (CloverBoy) and Alicia Jane.

Three Rules to follow. No breaking or even bending of rules.

. x List 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself
. x Tag 10 people you know and they are to follow your footsteps and write their own list of 15 weird things / habits / little known facts.
. x No tag backs.
  1. I always think a lot about something. For eg. for one little thing, I can make up different stories as high as mountains or as low as seabeds.
  2. I tend to sit in front of my PC all the time. Must check back on my PC at least once every hour.
  3. I cry a lot but not about myself, I cry for others.
  4. I am a playboy. An unprofessional one.
  5. I care for my friends more than I care for my family members.
  6. I like to make funny faces or you can say, RETARDED faces.
  7. I talk more when I'm using the PC than talking in real life.
  8. I stole alot of things when I was young. For eg. erasers, pencil lead, not those big cases.
  9. I am hairy.
  10. I stay awake for hours just because of someone I like.
  11. I want a lot of impossible-to-get things in my life.
  12. I sometimes am too lazy to wash my face before I go to bed. Sometimes even shower.
  13. I tend to break people's heart often.
  14. I like to correct people's English but I do the same mistakes myself.
  15. I don't know what my habits are because I thought really hard and long about this.
. x The 10 lucky fellows x .

Nigel =D
Leng =D
Jan =D
Michelle Lee
Alicia Jane
Hoong Wei
Michelle Chu

Taa-daa~ Done with blogging for today.

P.S. // The ticking of the clock is as loud as the rain hammering on the windows.

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